Friday, September 13, 2013

Engine Cowling: Vans Vs Showplanes

There are two engine cowlings available for the RV-10: the standard stock Van's Aircraft cowling and the Showplanes Cowling. Showplanes is a side company that makes parts for experimental aircraft. I am really undecided about which engine cowling I want to install when the time comes. So I thought it would be fun to ask you...the reader.

The Stats

Van's cowling
-Ships with the rest of the finish kit
-Install instructions remain the same

Showplanes Cowling
-Requires larger more expensive spinner
-Improves cooling (although I have only heard this, I have yet to see any empirical data)

There is probably more points to be made, but I guess the ultimate question I ask is,
Which one do you think looks cooler?

This part is important! For those non aviation types the engine cowling sits right behind the propeller. Look closely at the engine inlets, the lower air scoop, or lack of scoop, the general shape etc..DO NOT LIKE OR DISLIKE BASED ON PAINT COLOR!    ...Have fun and feel free to leave comments.

Don't forget to vote at the end!

Van's Cowling

Showplanes Cowling

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  1. That aft fuselage back is pretty cool too, that Showplanes did on their project-10. Nice transition into the VS

  2. After 265 hours, we haven't had any real cooling issues to speak of with the factory cowling.
