So this is not good. I keep a running log of my time as I build and a general note of what I accomplished that day. This log was accidentally deleted a few seconds before I began to write this post. To top that off I don't have any pictures to post either. (I know, I'm slacking) Honestly though, it has been some pretty boring stuff. Deburr, dimple, rivet, repeat. So nothing astonishing has happened. I completed the RH Leading Edge and if you want to see pictures of that just look at my last post of the LH Leading Edge and mirror all the images, voila, the RH Leading Edge pictures you wanted : ).
The best part since my last post was when Brian and Brandi ( flew over to help rivet the top skin on the LH wing. They landed at a grass strip less than a mile from the house which was convenient and a lot of fun, something about the intamacy of landings and takeoffs at grass strips creates a closer bond to airplanes than what a "real" airport provides. Of course amidst the visiting, story swapping, introduction to our new little one, and working, pictures were completely forgotten. The day came and went and there is only a few hundred rivets to remember it by. It was a really good Sunday. At one point I had multiple helpers. Brian holding the bucking bar and Aaron deburring parts. I met Aaron when we were training for our PPL. We started and finished around the same time and had the same instructor. He lives out of town but tries to catch up when he has work down here. Lately his visits have included some help building the airplane, sadly only deburring parts, maybe better luck next time : ). So thank you to Aaron, Brian, and Brandi always appreciate the help.
Time Log (to the best of my memory)
29 1.0 Dimpling wing parts (I think)
1 1.5 Dimpling wing skins (Sounds right)
2 2.0 Deburring RH Leading edge skins and probably dimpling something
3 3.5 The day of awesome help from Brian, Brandi, and Aaron
4 0.5 Dimple RH leading edge parts
5 1.0 Assemble RH leading edge, might have started riveting by now (not sure)
9 1.25 Riveting RH leading edge
10 4.0 Finished RH leading edge and installed to spar